Oh! Penelope


Oh! penelope(オー!ペネロープ) is a unit formed by Tsuji and Akira Watanabe, a member of "Poet's Blood", In 1995 he made his debut from Epic / Sony Records and stopped his activities in 1997.

1995 - Oh! penelope

Oh! Penelope

1995 - Photograph


1996 - Seaside Now!

Resultado de imagen para Oh! Penelope Seaside now

1997 - Milk & Cookies

Milk & Cookies

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  1. For the "Milk & Cookies" album, 4 of the mp3 files are corrupted: "Romantist#1", "The Red Balloon", "I'M GONNA MISS YOU", and, "ROMANCE." I dunno if you'll see this but if you could fix it, that would be grand. Thanks for this archive!

    1. It still has the same problem where the song just stops at a certain point
